
Crappy photography.

Pinstripe dress, Anthropologie (circa 2010)
Intyce boots, Steve Madden
Initial necklace, Anthropologie
Decker watch, Fossil
Sephora lipstick in "It girl"

Got all dolled up tonight for our playgroup's MNO (Moms' Night Out).  It was so nice to catch up with the girls and meet a few new girls over some blood orange margaritas.

I want to start taking more outfit pics, but clearly I need some more practice with the self timer.  It took me 400 pictures to get this one.  And I didn't even get my feet.  I would ask Jeff to snap a few pics, but God bless him, he's the world's worst photographer.  (Love ya, Dude!)  Maybe I can train Noah... or even little Max.  Until then, it's me and the tripod, and crappy photos.    

This shot was the runner up.  There were about 300 of these.

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